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Fieldwork Confessions: #2

There is a proverb which states that hard work never killed a man; well, I'm glad that is the case because there is no 9 to 5 in's 9 to whatever time you leave.

I love the fact that I'm never bored and always have something to do; I hate the fact that sometimes I have to stop a pending project because of an urgent request. I'm learning with each passing day but still often make mistakes: this is the life of an entry-level Account Coordinator.

I am lucky to have an Account Executive who shares his experiences and is honest about my work. The latest advice he gave me was the following after I missed a deadline: " Always under-promise and over-deliver even with a minimal request." He also told me "don't be as good as you are, be as good as you want to be."

Know that it will take time to grow into the professional you feel you are; you will not have time to learn everything about the brand you work for or the consumer you help your team advertise too. Your job as an entry-level will be to get requests out the door as efficient as possible because this is all you will have time for. Get to the point where you do what is needed with little feedback and perfect the technical assignments. However, keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities that will help you stand out without compromising your work.
