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Fieldwork Confessions: #3

Since it's been ages since my last post. The best way to start is by saying Happy New Year!

2010 was quite a year; the best news being that I was promoted to Account Executive. With this title came new responsibilities and a feeling of accomplishment. I have to say that it has not been easy; everyday is a learning experience. Here are my confessions for 2010.

As a new AE, there were times where projects I handled felt like a crash course. I was running when I should have been taking steps. In my attempt to prove I was ready without the proper background, I managed some jobs in not the smoothest way possible. To those who read my confessions, my advice is to be honest with yourself. Be a go-getter, but not at the expense of exposing your inexperience with newly found responsibilities. Enjoy the process of growth within your career.

I was used to being the best and recognized for it, until working with the boss who set me straight. You'll come across different types of Supervisors in your career. Some will analyze every action, email, word you say and reproach the errors on the spot. Sometimes to the point you feel like you're under a microscope and question yourself. Others are more relaxed, but will let you know when you made a mistake. Both styles of managing have there positives and negatives. I confess I've dealt with both. My advise is to work in an environment or team that makes you feel good. As soon as you feel apprehensive about going to work or stressed before the day even begins, reconsider your position.

I'm looking forward to 2011. I want to learn, grow and get to the place where I already envision myself. What I'll do different this year is take my time. Before saying yes to rush my advancement, I'll consider my capabilities, ask questions and walk towards it. I'll take better ownership of my advertising career.

Stay tuned!!


Anonymous said…
Really enjoy reading these. Thanks!