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Fieldwork Confessions: #1

I spent four years reading books about advertising, preparing myself for the moment I would actually be on the field practicing my trade. Now, as I embark on my adventure to adapt to the industry's corporate culture and learn its survival skills, I will report my observations of one of the most demanding and competitive careers. This is my monthly field report: an ethnographic series.

I have spent three weeks living and observing life at an advertising agency as an entry-level Account Coordinator, and I have to admit that, compared to my class projects at school, entry-level work in Account Management is everything but exciting. Be prepared for a lot of routine maintenance: you will likely spend most of your day filling out templates that request job numbers or project estimates. You will also do some competitive research and write up recap reports after client calls or presentations. The highlights will come when you sit-in on creative presentations and hear every one's critique on comprehensive layouts. Will you find your voice and share your thoughts or will you disappear into your seat and stare at every one's back? You decide.

Your golden opportunity will come but my advise is to take the small stuff, no matter how simple they seem, and hit it out the park. The small stuff usually teaches you the process so pay attention. You will get a headache with all the back and forth procedures that occur before anything exciting happens, but it has to be done and chances are you will be doing it.

The first week will be slow and perhaps boring: take this opportunity to familiarize yourself with the people, server and current projects. Trust me, the downtime will end soon.

Field report 1 of 1. Until next time.
