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Hollywood Movies Target Latinos

We should all know how important Latino consumers are to our brands. Data has shown that the Latino population has grown significantly and that the benefits of advertising effectively to them are great; this is the very reason why Hollywood has started to reach Latinos and speak their language.

I was surprised when I saw Vin Diesel take the stage at the Premios Billborard 2009, but then I had a deeper feeling when he started speaking my language: if I had to describe that feeling in one word it would be joy. I was happy that the promoters for the movie "Fast & Furious" recognized the positive impact that the Latino community had on the movie's sales, and I was also happy that they showed their gratitude to Latinos by engaging them directly and promoting the movie in a way that was seamless with the show's content.

Then, a couple of days later, I saw Hugh Jackman on another popular Latino show called Nuestra Belleza Latina. Personally, Vin Diesel's appearance was more effective because it tied in the movie promotion with the performance of Don Omar, which is one of the movie's Latino characters. I have no idea what Wolverine has to do with Latin women competing in a beauty contest, but I still applaud Hugh for trying.

Considering the alternatives, the tactic of reaching Latinos through TV shows that bring in a huge audience is very smart. Print and digital platforms work for the general market because Hollywood movies are primarily in English, but these platforms will not work in reaching the Latino community. I hope to see more of this type of integration moving forward; I just hope movie promoters find a relevant and seamless way to integrate their movie promotions into Latino shows.
