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Technology Leads the Way for Change

Advertising will never be as easy as it was during its birth. It was easier to reach consumers in the beginning because their eyeballs were either in a newspaper or on a screen, but now, given all the mediums and clutter that compete for attention, it is more difficult to reach consumers. David Ogilvy perfectly stated that in advertising change is our lifeblood, and, in order to survive, agencies have to change by using technology to reach consumers and stand out.

The power of print is weakening as digital approaches the forefront; this is why we advertisers must take print to the next level by using technology. Rufus B. Seder appeared on CNN to showcase his life tiles and bestselling books with moving images; while seeing the report I immediately thought, this is the future of print. Imagine a newspaper with a moving advertisement as you flip the page, the thought of it took me back to the movie Minority Report with Tom Cruise.

Now think of the cell phone. The device is almost always on us and we rely on it to do everything except use it for what it is...a phone. How can advertisers take advantage of this device to reach consumers? Let me tell you how, GPS satellite tracking.

Imagine walking down 34th street in Manhattan and as you pass Macy's you receive a text highlighting a new cologne on sale. The GPS chip on the cellphone will be able to let advertisers know where you are and send you text messages that contain digital coupons or information on a particular product within a store. Moreover, envision yourself at a mall and passing a digital sign that instantly changes content based upon the age and sex of the people in front of it. The digital sign contains a black box with cameras and software that can digest demographic information to create a consumer profile and tailor ad content based on the profile that it creates. There are even technologies that could allow advertisers to identify people as they walk in a store and offer content based on their purchase history just like the Internet uses cookies to push products that one might want to buy.

So, what's holding back the future of advertising? The answer is us. Consumers are very touchy about their privacy but what they do not understand is that advertising makes the world go round. As advertisers get pressured to deliver and consumers begin to realize that no content is free, technology will inevitably win over privacy and the future of advertising will flourish.
