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There has been a lot of feedback regarding the new Skittles website. Some seem to applaud the effort, others are saying the results will tell and critics are, well, criticizing. I am, on the other hand, still trying to make up my mind about the site.

At first, I kept analyzing the site to determine its purpose, how it would lead to ROI or even, considering the fact that the brand's advertising and website is tailored to adults, convince me to purchase Skittles. Then it hit me, I was thinking like a company. may be simply about the people. People with a common interest - their like/dislike of skittles - who now have a social platform to engage and share thoughts, not only about the brand, but each other.

Looking over the tweets and comments that people have posted, some are senseless and others have substance. The only problem is that one can only say so much about candy. Therefore, to survive, Skittles has to regularly join the conversation as a person that wants to continue the dialogue, not as a company that seeks to control or study it from afar.

I feel the site has potential but only time will tell.
