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Super Bowl Commercials: No Wonder Clients Cut Back Spending

In reviewing the feedback that the advertising industry and the general public have made about the 2009 Super Bowl commercials, I have to say that I am disappointed with the results.

Most of the commercials with the highest ratings did not make me want to use or buy the brand. I understand that the Super Bowl is a social event and that people want to be entertained but what is the benefit of spending $3 million dollars for a commercial that does not convince me on why I should buy the product. For example, many voters chose the "Free Doritos" commercial as a favorite. As an advertiser, I did not like this commercial because it had no strategic message that would make me want to pick up a Doritos bag the next time I visit the grocery store. The commercial entertained but it did not sell, and selling the brand is the purpose of advertising.

Another example of a waste of money, in my opinion, was the Budweiser "Stick" commercial. Was the commercial entertaining? Yes. Did the commercial sell any product attribute or benefit that made me want to put down my Corona and grab a Budweiser? No. It was easy to laugh while I watched the commercial as an observer but when I started to really think of its effectiveness, I felt like it did injustice to the brand and the marketing dollars spent.

Now, some Super Bowl commercials that I felt clearly had a strategic message and sold it in an entertaining way were the following (in no particular order): Pedigree's "Crazy Pets", Monster's "Double Take", and Bridgestone's "Taters". These commercials entertained but most importantly sold the brand.
