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Ogilvy & Mather: Post 1

Interning at Ogilvy & Mather has definitely been an eye-opening experience. Since I worked at The Vox Collective where the structural format was somewhat relaxed, transitioning to a large advertising agency like Ogilvy has taught me some new things.

Coming from a smaller agency where you saw and spoke to the CEO almost everyday, I have learned that a bigger agency like Ogilvy is hierarchal. I have also learned, to a greater extent, that my profession is stressful and extremely demanding. If you’re not courting clients, you’re guiding creative. You’re also managing a budget, strategizing a plan, and seeing numerous million dollar projects through. It’s crazy, it’s detailed, and it requires absolute efficiency and patience. Many of the interns I know are thinking twice before working in client services or even advertising overall.

I am still 100% sure this is what I want to do for a living. It’s not easy, and looking at my performance review, which had positives but also combating negatives, it’s going to take time and experience.

I miss life at the Vox Collective. It was smooth and communal because of its size. Life at Ogilvy is different but rewarding if your good enough to rise the ranks.
