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Coursework vs. Practical Experience

Is college education enough for an entry-level position? NO. The coursework at CCNY is beneficial because it shows you the basics. It prepares you to enter the field by teaching a simple agency process and relevant terminology. However, you can’t learn it all in college. Real life experience is entirely different. I have the basics but the actual field goes beyond anything CCNY has caught me. It can get pretty overwhelming when a supervisor gives you a standard agency document, that you’ve never seem before, and says give it your best shoot. You know it’s ultimately simple but you struggle because you have not been exposed to it before.

Everyone graduates from college thinking the world is mine and feeling like an aspiring prodigy until they get a reality check. College coursework essentially plants a seed that you, yourself, have to nurture through practical experience, so get your head out of the textbook and look for internships that will help you grow and apply the little you know, which is little.
