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Agencies Selling More Than Just Advertising

An Adage article written by Rupal Parekh touched upon the Ad industry's attempt to become more than just the message for a client's brand. Advertising agencies are now developing their own products and even establishing small businesses such as eateries. It's understandable that our industry is trying to broaden its horizon and get acknowledged for some of the creativity that clients often take for granted, however, what we do is create messages that sell and stay true to our client's vision: how long will it take for our own individual endeavors to interfere with clients? How long will it take for them to think that their paying us to not dedicate all our time to their brands?

I do not agree with the idea of agencies developing their own products such as skateboards and chocolate candies: this is not our expertise. I do agree, however, with the idea of having intellectual property over the big ideas that we advertisers create for our clients. It's our concept so why should we lose it if clients decide to switch agencies. Like a professional photographer who takes a beautiful picture and owns it because the consumer pays him for his expertise, we should also own the creations of our mind. If the client wants to switch agencies, fine, but he would have to buy our concept if planning to use something similar to it again with another agency.

So, I feel we advertisers should simply stick to our trade and broaden our horizon within it instead of chasing stakes in something way off field. If we want to create and own something ourselves, let's keep it within the trade.
