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Advertising & The Internet

Nowadays, an increasing amount of the advertising budget is being used on the Internet. The question is the following: are advertisers spending their clients money effectively? Allow me share my thoughts on the subject.

When it comes to spending advertising money on the Internet, I think that using skyscrapers and banner ads are ineffective. Speaking from personal experience, I merely ignore all the ads on the page and concentrate on what I was there to do. Ads that try to steal my attention by some interesting affect sometimes irritate me and other times get my interests; however, the ads never really have a long-lasting impact, which means that the ads ultimately failed.

The best way to use your client's money on the Internet is to provide some kind of relevant purpose or value to the audience your trying to reach. Help the on-line community solve a problem and tie the solution to your brand. If you create a space where they can learn something, share something, or even laugh at something, I feel that this same community will appreciate your efforts. The main idea is that you provide a space for them and not your own: you should come second.

Make the on-line community come to you by creating something interactive and relevant. Banner ads just don't do it for a client's brand.

Also, I just had to mention this, the Internet should not take take over TV and print. The Internet should complement TV and print. For instance, develop a print and TV commercial ad that integrates all elements within a campaign by drawing people to the website where they can get more information or share their thoughts.
